Word of the Day







Popularity Over Time

Part of speech




Greek, late 19th century



A person who begins to learn or study only late in life.


Usage over time

Used in a sentence

  1. I am proud to call myself an opsimath.
  2. He earned his high school diploma at the age of 65, a true opsimath.


About the Word

It makes sense that a word about learning comes from Greek, the language of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. "Opse" means late and "math" means learn, so if you're an opsimath, take pride in your late in life learning.


Did you know?

Opsimath used to be considered an insult, but opinions have shifted, and now it's a point of pride. If you decide to earn a degree later in life, or you take up a new skill in retirement, give yourself a pat on the back!


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Courtesy of Wordgenius.com