Word of the Day







Popularity Over Time

Part of speech




Latin, late 17th century



Spoken or done without preparation.


Usage over time

Used in a sentence

  1. I was surprised to be asked to give an extemporaneous speech at the wedding.
  2. The director stood up to give a few extemporaneous remarks at the end of the day.


About the Word

Impromptu, spur of the moment, off the cuff — all casual ways to describe an extemporaneous speech. Extemporaneous comes from the Latin "ex tempore," meaning out of time. There's no time to prepare, but you'll improvise.


Did you know?

Members of the high school speech team probably know this word. In an extemporaneous challenge, participants square off in a one-to-one debate on a given topic, with limited time to prepare. They don't know the topic ahead of time, so it's a test of their ability to think on their feet.


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