Word of the Day







Popularity Over Time

Part of speech




Latin, late 17th century



Collect or form into a mass or group.


Usage over time

Used in a sentence

  1. The students agglomerated at the football field for the rally.
  2. If you can agglomerate the laundry into one pile, it will be easier to manage.


About the Word

In Latin, “glomus” is a ball. From that we get the verb “agglomerare,” which roughly means added to a ball. In English, agglomerate is mainly used in a more technical sense for gathering up something into a group.


Did you know?

Agglomerate is one of those special words that can be used as a verb, a noun, and an adjective. You can agglomerate a mound of spilled cereal; an agglomerate of cereal can be in a bowl, and an agglomerate pile of cereal on the floor just looks messy.




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