Word of the Day

Eolian or Aeolian

Eolian processes - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Part of speech


History, Etymology, and First Know Use

Latin Aeolus, Aeolus; 1622                                                                                                                                             


Relating to, caused by, or carried by the wind.                                                                

Used in a sentence           

  1. The park is known for its eolian caves—chambers formed in sandstone cliffs by powerful winds.
  2. Many of the eolian structures in the west have been shaped by the wind.     

Did you know?

When Aeolus blew into town, things really got moving. He was the Greek god of the winds and the king of the floating island of Aeolia. In The Odyssey, Homer claims Aeolus helped Odysseus by giving him a favorable wind. Aeolus also gave English speakers a few terms based on his name, including the adjective eolian (also spelled aeolian), which is often used for wind-sculpted geological features such as caves and dunes, and aeolian harp, an instrument that makes music when the wind blows across its strings.                                                                                                                                                           

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