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Modern Language Association (MLA) Guide: Books and Other Long Works

A guide to the Modern Language Association of America or the Modern Language Association (MLA), which is the true professional association in the U.S. for scholars of language and literature.

Books and Other Long Works

Basic Format for a Book

A. Print Book or E-book If you used an e-book, indicate "e-book" or the specific reader (using the abbreviation "ed." for "edition") before the publisher's name.


B. Web Give whatever print publication information is available for the work, followed by the title of the website and the URL.

Parts of a Book

A. Forward, Introduction, Preface, or Afterword


B. Chapter in a Book

Book in a Language Other than English

Capitalize the title according to the conventions of the book's language. If your readers are not familiar with the language of the book, include a translation of the title in brackets.

Entire Anthology or Collection

An anthology is a collection of works on a common theme, often with different authors for the selections and usually with an editor for the entire volume.

One Selection from an Anthology or a Collection

Two or More Selections from an Anthology or a Collection

Provide an entry for the entire anthology (see Entire Anthology or Collection) and a shorten entry for each selection. Alphabetize the entries by authors' or editors' last names.

Edition Other than the First

If the book has a translator or an editor in addition to the author, give to name of the translator or editor before the edition number (See Author with Editor or Translator entry).

Multivolume Work

Include the total number of volumes at the end of the entry, using the abbreviation "vols." If the volumes were published over several years, give the inclusive dates of publication.

Sacred Text

Give the title of the edition (taken from the title page), italicized; the editor's or translator's name (if any); and publication information. Add the name of the version, if there is one, before the publisher.


Work Cited

Hacker, Diana. A Writer's Reference. Tenth edition. Boston ; New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2021. Print.