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Library Instruction: Library Instruction

Philosophy of Information Literacy

We believe that information literacy is a required element of an undergraduate education for all majors. Chattahoochee Valley Community College (CVCC) graduates must have the essential information literacy competencies to succeed as independent, lifelong learners in their careers, in civic leadership, and in all aspects of their personal lives.   The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) emphasize the collaborative nature of information literacy:  librarians and classroom faculty working together on teaching research and information literacy skills to students. We recommend an integrated approach to learning throughout the undergraduate experience.

Purpose of Library Instruction

The primary purpose of the Owen Hall Library and Learning Resource Center (LRC) instruction program is to foster and develop CVCC students' information literacy skills; specifically the ability to identify, locate, evaluate, and use information. These essential skills are necessary to succeed academically, and foster the development of lifelong learning. 

The CVCC Library

Hours of Operation


8:00am - 8:00pm


8:00am - 8:00pm


8:00am - 8:00pm


8:00am - 8:00pm

Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday CLOSED
Holidays CLOSED

Check the NEWS AND MESSAGES section on the Home Tab of the library's online catalog for changes or additional closures or check the library's online calendar listed on our online catalog or our Owen Hall guide.

Library Handout & Links

Virtual Library Orientation

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Library objectives include:

  • Analyzing a topic and identifying key concepts.
  • Formulating a successful search strategy.
  • Selection and use of appropriate print and electronic research tools.
  • Critically evaluate sources regarding currency, authority, purpose and source.

The topics that the LRC covers are:

  • Become familiar with library facilities, resources, and services.
  • Learn how to locate books, journal articles, and other resources.
  • Understand the basics of doing library research.
  • Learn how to locate and evaluate information on the Internet.
  • Identify and effectively use the best databases for a particular discipline.
  • Effectively use Book Systems, the Library's online catalog.
  • Determine an author's credentials.
  • Learn how to use the Alabama Virtual Library. 
  • Determine if the library has access to a specific journal.
  • Learn how to locate statistical and demographic information.
  • Learn how to locate historical primary sources.
  • Learn how to use LibGuides for research.