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Diabetes: Low/High Blood Sugar

This guide will provided you with information and resources about diabetes.

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Ways to Lower High Blood Sugar

Methods Description
Exercise Regularly Exercise increases insulin sensitivity and helps your muscles pick up sugars from the blood. This can lead to reduced blood sugar levels.
Control Your Carb Intake Carbs are broken down into glucose, which raises blood sugar levels. Reducing carbohydrate intake can help with blood sugar control.
Increase Your Fiber Intake Eating plenty of fiber can help with blood sugar control, and soluble dietary fiber is the most effective.
Drink Water and Stay Hydrated Staying hydrated can reduce blood sugar levels and help prevent diabetes. Water is best.
Implement Portion Control The more control you have over your serving sizes the better control you will have over your blood sugar levels.
Choose Foods with a Low Glycemic Index It's important to choose foods with a low glycemic index and watch your overall carb intake.
Control Stress Levels Controlling stress levels through exercise or relaxation methods such as yoga will help you control blood sugars.
Monitor Your Blood Sugar Levels Checking your sugars and maintaining a log every day will help you adjust foods and medications to decrease your sugar levels.
Get Enough Quality Sleep Good sleep helps maintain blood sugar control and promote a healthy weight. Poor sleep can disrupt important metabolic hormones.
Eat Foods Rich in Chromium and Magnesium Eating foods rich in chromium and magnesium on a regular basis can help prevent deficiencies and reduce blood sugar problems.
Try Apple Cider Vinegar Adding apple cider vinegar to your diet can help your body in many ways, including reducing blood sugar levels.
Experiment with Cinnamon Extract  Cinnamon has been shown to reduce fasting blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
Try Berberine Berberine works well for lowering blood sugar levels and can help manage diabetes. However, it may have some digestive side effects.
Eat Fenugreek Seeds Consider giving fenugreek seeds a try. They are easy to add to your diet and can help regulate blood glucose levels.
Lose Some Weight Keeping a healthy weight and waistline will help you maintain normal blood sugar levels and decrease your risk of developing diabetes.

Ways to Increase Low Blood Sugar

If your blood sugar is greater than 80 mg/dL, but you're feeling symptoms of hypoglycemia
All-natural peanut butter with no added sugar If your blood sugar is greater than 80 mg/dL, it’s likely you’re experiencing these symptoms due to rapidly changing blood sugar levels, and aren’t in need of quick-acting carbohydrates. Peanut butter (or any nut butter) without added sugar is filled with protein and fat and can help alleviate these symptoms without raising your blood sugar more.
If your blood is 70 - 80 mg/dL
Peanut butter & Crackers At this point, your blood sugar is still not technically low, by definition. However, this may be lower than you’re comfortable with. Any form of starch — in this case crackers — will help gradually raise your blood sugar just slightly, and the fat and protein in the peanut butter will sustain those levels.
If your blood sugar is 55-70 mg/dL
Raisins All the foods listed above are fresh or dried fruit that have higher amounts of naturally occurring sugars than other fruits. While there’s some fiber present in these, the amount is minimal and will raise blood sugar quickly and effectively.
Medjool Dates
If your blood sugar is less than 55 mg/dL
100% Grape Juice If your blood sugar has dropped below 55 mg/dL, you need quick, rapid-acting liquid carbohydrates. There should be no fiber, fat, or protein present. Grape juice is one of the highest carbohydrate-filled juices and is my choice for myself and clients experiencing this severity of hypoglycemia.
Maple syrup