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Diabetes: Foods to Eat/Avoid

This guide will provided you with information and resources about diabetes.
Foods to Eat
Brown Rice Whole Wheat
Quinoa Oatmeal
Fruits Vegetables
Beans Lentils
Fatty fish Leafy greens
Cinnamon Eggs
Chia Seeds Turmeric
Greek Yogurt


Broccoli Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Flaxseeds Apple Cider Vinegar
Strawberries Garlic
Squash Shirataki Noodles

Key: Complex Carbohydrates

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Food to Avoid


  • Diet
  • Regular

Simple carbohydrates (processed/refined sugars)

  • White Bread
  • Pastries
  • Chips
  • Cookies
  • Pastas
Trans Fats (anything with the word hydrogenated on the label) High-fat animal products

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Here are some other foods to avoid if you have Type 1 Diabetes:

  1. Sugar-sweetened beverages
  2. Fruit-flavored yogurt
  3. Sweetened breakfast cereals
  4. Flavored coffee drinks
  5. Honey, agave nectar, and maple syrup
  6. Dried fruit
  7. Packaged snack foods
  8. Fruit juice
  9. French fries

This list could probably go on and on, but these are just a few on the items to avoid if you have diabetes.

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