This page will provide you with some hiking resources that you might find as useful. Also, available is a list of trails for the following states:
Each state has trails listed by county. Some counties may not appear. If a trail isn't listed for a state, complete the Trail Request form.
Associations, Coalitions, and Societies
Hiking Essentials
Hiking Trials
Regional Hiking Trails
Best Trails in the U. S. A.
Works Citied
Outdoor Industry Association, “2018 Outdoor Participation Report,” (access December 31, 2018).
Penn State University Libraries, “Hiking and Backpacking,” Library Guides, (accessed December 29, 2018).
Ronnie Wachter, “Out of the Branches, into the Woods,” American Libraries, January 2, 2018, (access December 29, 2018).
Schweikhard, April. "Go take a hike: Online hiking resources." College & Research Libraries News [Online], 80.2 (2019): 112. Web. 13 Mar. 2019
UO Libraries, “Hiking Trail Exhibit in Science Library,” Around the O, (accessed December 29, 2018).