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U.S. Presidents: Herbert Hoover

This guide will give you information about the Presidents of the United States.

Herbert Clark Hoover




U.S. President (March 4, 1929 - March 4, 1933)

Date of Birth

August 10, 1874

Date of Death

October 20, 1964

Place of Birth

West Branch, Iowa

Place of Death

New York, NY


Stanford University

George Fox University


Hulda Randall Minthorn

Jesse Hoover


Lou Henry

Political Party


Number of Children


Did You Know?

President Hoover...

  • ...was the first president born west of the Mississippi River.
  • ...became an orphan at age 9.
  • ...was a self-made multi-millionaire.
  • ...helped save millions from starvation after two war worlds.


Born in Iowa in 1874, Herbert Hoover gained a reputation as a humanitarian in World War I by leading hunger-relief efforts in Europe as head of the American Relief Administration. From there he moved into the post of U.S. secretary of commerce and spearheaded the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Hoover Dam. In 1928, Hoover was elected president, but eight months later the stock market crash of 1929 occurred, ushering in the Great Depression. Hoover’s policies could not overcome the economic destruction and despair that resulted, and he lost his reelection bid in 1932.

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