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U.S. Presidents: William Taft

This guide will give you information about the Presidents of the United States.

William Howard Taft




Supreme Court Justice

U.S. President (March 4, 1909 - March 4, 1913)


Date of Birth September 15, 1857
Date of Death March 8, 1930
Place of Birth Cincinnati, OH
Place of Death Washington, D.C.

Yale College

University of Cincinnati College of Law


"Big Lub"

"Old Bill"


Louise Torrey

Alphonso Taft

Spouse Helen Herron
Political Party


Number of Children Three

Did You Know?

President Taft...

  • ...was the last president to rock facial hair while in office.
  • ...valued being on the Supreme Court over his presidency.
  • ...swore in two other presidents as Chief Justice (Coolidge and Hoover).
  • ...tended to fall asleep at public functions.
  • ...recently became one the Washington Nationals' racing mascots.



William Howard Taft was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on September 15, 1857. From a prominent political family, he followed his forebears into law and was on track to be a career jurist, well on his way to his dream job of sitting on the Supreme Court, when he was sidetracked for a term as the 27th U.S. president by his wife and Theodore Roosevelt. Taft finally achieved his dream of being appointed chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1921, becoming the only person to have served both as a chief justice and president. Taft died in Washington, D.C., on March 8, 1930.


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