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U.S. Presidents: James Carter

This guide will give you information about the Presidents of the United States.

James Earl Carter, Jr.




U.S. President (January 20, 1977 - January 20, 1981)

Date of Birth

October 1, 1924

Place of Birth

Plains, GA


Georgia Southwestern College

U.S. Naval Academy

Georgia Institute of Technology


Bessie Lillian Gordy

James Earl Carter, Sr.


Rosalynn Smith

Political Party



Nobel Peace Prize (2002)

Military Service


​United States


​United States Navy


1943-1953 (Active)

1953-1961 (Reserve)



Number of Children


Did You Know?

President Carter...

  • ...caused a stir by doing an interview with Playboy.
  • ...never liked the pageantry of the presidencey.
  • ...installed solar panels at the White House.
  • ...was attacked by a rabbit. Before running for (and losing) re-election in 1980, Carter decided to take a little time for himself and go fishing near his home in Plains. While in his boat, a wild rabbit that was being chased by hounds jumped into the water and swam toward the boat. Carter shooed the animal away with a paddle. Although it was a minor incident, a photo snapped of Carter flailing at the bunny and numerous editorial cartoons gave some voters the perception he was a less-than-ideal adversary for the powerful Soviet Union and may have led to an image of Carter as ineffectual.


Born on October 1, 1924, in Plains, Georgia, Jimmy Carter was the 39th president of the United States (1977-81) and served as the nation's chief executive during a time of serious problems at home and abroad. Carter's perceived mishandling of these issues led to defeat in his bid for reelection. He later turned to diplomacy and advocacy, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2002.

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